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Model: Soap
Calamine soapimproves complexionRemoves sun tanAnti-Itchingtreats acneSmooth sensitive skin..
Model: Soap
Char coal green tea soapRemoves Excess Oilclears ImpuritiesCures pimples&acnesReduces SwellingMinimizes pore sizeImproves Complexion..
Model: Soap
Charcoal multhani mitti soapImproves Collagen productionRemoves ImpuritiesFades Pimples spotsTreats Blemised skinClear unclogged poresMakes skin Tighter..
Model: soap
moisturizes Dry skinRefresh & Hydrates skinFights wrinkles& Dark CirclePrevents sun burnsFights On pimlessmooth sensitive skin..
Model: Soap
Calamine soapimproves complexionEliminates Dark spotsRemoves sun tanAnti-ItchingTreats AcneSmooth Sensitive skin..
Multi herb Soap
Hot In Stock
Model: Skincare
Multi herb SoapAnti-Fungal&Bacterialtreats Scabies,Psoriasis,RingwormReduces InflamationCures skin ItchinessAnti-AcneClears Black Spots..
Model: Skincare
Papaya SoapSkin lighteningstimulates collagen productionreduces sun tantreats uneven skin toneclears dark spots..
Model: Skincare
Shea Butter Honey soapTreats fines Linsmoisturizes DeeplyCure BlemishesTreats enzymesReduces Dark circlePrevents srech marks..
Model: Skincare
Turmeric Soap De_pigmentation& De_TanRemoves Dark SpotsNourishes the skin.aget rid of Age spotsTreats skin infection& Blocked pores..
Model: Soap
Golden Glow SoapGives healthy glowPrevents pimplestreats pimple marksdelays age spotsTreats pigmentationSmooth skin..
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)
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